Friday, October 29, 2010


Today they finished up the wall between the family room and the master suite and framed the garage.

 Materials on site for the basement stairs:

Another great sunset at the house!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Framing Continues

They got back to framing the first floor on Thursday.

A view from inside and outside the mud room:

The kitchen pantry:

 Looking into and out of the kitchen:

 Looking into and out of the family room:

 Down the hallway to the bedrooms:

The main bathroom:

Looking out of a front bedroom into the master bedroom:

Inside the master bedroom:

The master bathroom:

The master bedroom walk-in closet:

 The other bedrooms:

A view of the master suite from the family room:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Basement Framing

It has been extremely windy here in Iowa the past few days.  Because of the wind they were unable to work yesterday and shifted to working in the basement today.  Today they framed all of the exterior walls of the basement.